I have Venus and Mercury in Virgo and always seem to get to know Virgos to some extent, so Virgo type energy is not entirely unfamiliar energy, but I don't think I got to grips with Capricorn at all until, well, not sure when. It was usually the last sign of interest and even when discovering that the draconic Sun-Venus-Mercury line-up fell in Capricorn, it still didn't precisely rise up and start behaving in an un-Capricornian fashion by making untoward noise about itself.
Add on top someone describing the Pluto in Libra folks as the slacker lot on whichever board it was, and you have more than one thing at play. The draconic Sun (and everything coming with it) is conjunct Icarus opposite the East Point, the progressed Sun having been on the IC the past year. Things started rolling on some levels once Pluto moved off it, but the nodes keep the focus in that region and amplify the square to the MC-IC line again. Once Pluto reaches its square, the transiting nodes may also be on your draconic 0 degree Capricorn Karma (which squares your natal Nodes), so there is a lot going on within the early Capricorn degrees for you.
Looking at it from a psychological point of view, the Sabian symbols for 2-8 degrees Libra and Capricorn all seem to match a certain progress going on, but of course the difficulty is in accepting or riding with all of it on the material or concrete level of existence. Most of my life I have not entirely fitted in with society's expectations of what one should do in life at whatever stage, so that Pluto kicks into squaring itself off the following Sabian degree also adds to the picture.
"PHASE 278 (CAPRICORN 8°): IN A SUN-LIT HOME DOMESTICATED BIRDS SING JOYOUSLY.Can we say "Ouch" already? The finishing "...ENJOYMENT in the roles they are born to play" adds a better spin to it if talking certain ideas which may work exactly to that effect, but with so little time left before all that you feel as if out of time already. Mercury retrograde and Christmas fall between now and then as well, so there are further limitations to what can be accomplished or practically looked into in December, for example.
KEYNOTE: The wholesome happiness which subservience to the ideals and patterns of a well-established culture brings to those who accept them unreservedly."
Icarus got his wings burned by the Sun and your draconic one is right on it, the progressed one having squared it the past year. Now you're however as if called to try mostly unprepared flying in relation to other things in any case, because if you don't, Pluto is going to kick your ass until you jump off that cliff and do in any case? Can we say scared?
There are exciting sides to the potentials afoot, but never having done anything of the sort and there seeming to now be an urgency to sort it out for many reasons, it also escalates to horrifying heights to scale. Did I mention I'm acrophobic? I don't go near edges. You fall if you do. Or some hateful person comes up from behind you as a joke and pretends to or does push you. That it's a supposed joke, haa haa, why aren't you laughing, or only pushing a little makes no difference if you're already near the edge only through daring a lot as it is. Boy have I known assholes in my life, yes.
I have generally also been very good at cornering myself until there is no option but to jump or fly, but as usual with these things if you don't work on them constantly, when the time comes to deal with it, everything seems to be or come in massive scales all of a sudden.
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