Thursday, November 25, 2010

There are no coincidences, or: How the world mocks you back

I suppose you get what you ask for, even when trying to claim otherwise or saying you're not asking to be hit on the head with bigger things. Dreams, 23, being a smartass and more feature.

I last week ran into a blog on twin flames drawing attention to the date 11.11.10 being worth checking out and in my usual way, half perhaps hoped for meaning and half sighed over how anything of the sort can be explained away with regular human coincidences. Whether you believe there are no coincidences or not.

There are asteroids and more that I should have out as posts before this one to denote potential scepticism and as par course, I am extremely reluctant to expose the self as even potentially wanting anything or whatever I may or may not be open to. Being open is unsafe and a raw wound asking for attacks.

In any case, check I did, much to my amusement. The trouble with me is and isn't the sense of humour and more than that, committing to something. So to spoil the story beforehand, I saw the "August" episode of the TV series Fringe with Peter Woodward in the titular role the night before that. The episode delves into the nature of sacrifices and unconditional love and deals with a character that is not bound by time in our conventional manner. Woodward also played the Technomage Galen in the series Crusade in the Babylon 5 universe. Galen, the most powerful of his kind, loses his great beloved early on in his life. You may thus see why the following, but were I to drop it anywhere with certain types of spiritual (?) people without all the preface, you may also see what kind of reactions I might get.

I woke up the morning of 11.11. from a dream where you (or whoever you/I were/was) were akin magically powered as Galen, and divinely in love with him, or having mutual divine love with him if you get hung up on the sides and being precise like me. There was also an evil wall (Way da go, mind) on the side that kept throwing or hurling projectiles at him to harm him, although the threat to your life was somehow greater. There was some prophecy or whatever at large about there only being a certain amount of times you would have together before you'd die because of it, and if you didn't vanquish or defeat the wall, the six or so times would be it for you.

The wall wasn't in the way as opposed to more to the side, but the influence meant constant blocking or fighting the things it threw at you. Your solution to it to try and change things to live would have been to use fire to burn or incinerate it entirely with the remaining mages you had, also six as now notice. You woke up sometime before 6am, too, unlikely as that is to matter in any way. Each mage would have had a section of the wall to cover and simultaneously burn down, and you had to be quiet about it lest the wall hear and try to kill you more directly still before you could do that. The waking mind later questioned whether that would have done the trick since that kind of things in movies usually lead to the threat of freeing whatever is bound to something instead if it's an entity or possession type thing, but dream mind didn't have the thought.

You woke up sometime after the fire section in any case. The section of the wall required covering more with fire than you normally would have or might simultaneously, there being a certain amount of control and direction as possible issues, it taking a bit to cover it all even near equally. Waking mind also suggests that starting from the bottom would have helped, but the top half was more it in the dream. Hand control, fingers spread and fire as if from the hands, although with no sensation of heat or it probably coming from the body per se. How do you explain magic or something that just is if you just know how to do it in a dream?

How very psychological, yes. But if you took it from the point of view of the apparently countless people who are out there on several sites asking if whoever is their twin flame or soul when from a casual outsider's glance through their posts, you doubt a teenager's first love or someone into someone taken would have anything of the sort in their current developments, well. You would probably get people gushing over how very meaningful it must be as a message with all the symbolism. Gasp.

Pot, kettle. People look into meaning wherever they can and there are countless of people who see interpreting asteroids as having meaning as purely that without anything to it. There is also the fact that focus guides/is your attention and determines what kind of things we see more of when something comes into our sphere, which accounts for a large part of synchronicity as well.

Case in point? The fire in the dream had something to do with or was known as Flammario, an asteroid the position of which I had checked a few days before that as well. You may see why the mind would associate Flammario with the fire spell even without reading things like Harry Potter. The trouble? That I'm a smartass and then go check where it was again. 23 Scorpio 23'38", which makes smartass add fuel to the flames and continue with the prior line of pointing out why things are not as meaningful as they may seem.

You may know your things about 11:11 and everything they say about it. The European point of view is that there is no such thing as 11:11 in the evening when it's 23:11 instead then automatically. There are also some theories about the number 23, although I haven't reminded myself of those. It adds up to 5 in any case, said to be the number of man or change and whatever else seen in other glances through other sites.

23 twice in Flammario seems like the sort of thing that gets picked up on by certain types of people, and then you had 3+8 making up 11 on top for more gasps of "Surely this is meaningful!" Or eyerolls from you when you can't exactly help where your Flammario happens to be at this stage anymore and it would have been easier to just have 11 there if you were going to. Or is that too easy and not for the uninitiated, hush, hush? Do you even dare note that you, gasp, as if seem to see 23 as times more often than not as of late? Surely this is meaningful! Or... not.

I am also aware that my progressed North Node is at 23 degrees Scorpio and that someone else's Ascendant falls there and another someone else's progressed Ascendant. Smartass continued by checking what else from recent checks fell at 23 degrees.

I know Toro was at the degree and saw that Interposita is 23 Tau 55' opposite it. I rather chose to ignore that and Salli (one before Peter in asteroid lists, of which more later) at 23 Libr 41 semisextile it, Laocoon the sceptic strangled by snakes at 23 Aquarius 59'49" R Aquarius, Klonios 23 Cancer 52', Iphiklos 23 Gemini 38', Magellan the long voyage whatever at 23 Vir 49'... Escalante at 22 Sco 44'23" is a bit of a miss, but since there are doubles and 23 conjunct Flammario, surely you have to include it, right?

Bougainville is 23 Leo 52', Krok 23 Gem (2' or 12' or 21', as I can't read my writing, but think it's 12'30"), Rhadamanthus 23 Leo 13' and Nininge 23 Leo 38' out of whatever you happen to have written down. Yes, I know, however can I ignore such clear signs indeed? Now... how about you tell me signs of what? Or telling me what the dream means in practical terms, with particular focus on who Galen might represent for you when there are no such figures in life? No? Then what use is any of it? None.

I may offer interpretations about the positions, same as the nodal journey and transformations in relation to transiting Pluto having just moved off the draconic Sun and everything coming with it. On your natal Icarus and West Point as well, of all things, and square the progressed Sun on top. That with the transiting nodes having been on your draconic Moon when some of this started, conjunct that transiting Pluto when the dream came, and coming to the Sun's degree now and how it supposedly may or may not be activating things for you. It just probably still amounts to a load of BS from some angles.

I know the talk and I even walk some of the walk, but I also see the other side and have the questions as to why something should supposedly be more meaningful than something else.

Add on top that being a dreadful smartass and the rest of 11.11.10 amounted to seeing the newer Lion in the Winter with John Light in the role of Geoffrey catching your attention the most, and then seeing the Midsomer Murders episode where Andrew Hawkins plays a slightly simplish character who talks to the dead and may or may not hear them. This surely amounting to something meaningful when it's either a tie to midsummer or Mid-Sumer, Andrew meaning man (as you recall) and Hawkins surely tying to Horus or something of the sort with everything being ever so meaningful. As said, you know the talk. Or how about not as to meanings, as your rational side points out with Looks at anyone suggesting links like the above simply because it all happened on the supposedly significant date.

Cut to 23.11.2010. Which I only now realize it was, too, in further facepalms at the world doing this as per a rule when it comes to things like that. I go through Astrodienst's list of asteroid numbers yet again in search of something else and the asteroid Midsomer Norton catches your attention. You have to know, obviously, having just taunted the world with the series tied to it. It's retrograde, and 2 Aries 11', 25 minutes before your midheaven. Thus the draconic Midsomer Norton falls on your natal AC as well.

You can't win. Even if the meaning was purely on personal levels, people keep bringing up significant hits for name asteroids and more over and over again. I have them for myself and within the family, too. So if they do matter, what else does on the side as well? The asteroid Peter coincidentally gets an 11 degrees Scorpio spot opposite your Wisdom and Woodard is conjunct your Atlantis around 9 Taurus, but hush now, what? You don't want to give the world the semblance that it's won for good, what?

To not give anybody the wrong idea, I should probably note that I actually find Galen a bit of an idiot for someone so potentially smart on other levels. He clings to his hurt over his loss and refuses to believe in there being a potential plan even when he gets a message from the universe, or something. I know, I know, pot, kettle again.

It's just that I don't know if I could cling to pain that is eating him up to such levels. My self-preservational instincts have kicked in in the past as well, knowing that some things will poison you if clung to. Sooner or later you have to let go or die or warp wrong. There are other issues at work with me, same as with most people, but his clinging to his pain over the loss of his beloved, the best of the Technomages as he puts it, and nigh raging at the universe for having dared take her away from him, that she may have as if deserved to die, is so misplaced you don't quite know how to express it to him if he's blind to it. It's not about what someone deserves with that, and if even she said it was her time, how do you get it through to him that maybe he ultimately needed that more than for her to live?

So it gets difficult. People use fiction to mirror and sort through their issues if they can, and Galen has potential to offer self-reflection in relation to a lot of things, obviously. Whatever the dream had in mind, you however couldn't opt for an actual Galen type unless he got over the issues first.

While the actor and presenter Woodward also keeps appearing in the most interesting or educational TV, I should hope that I don't appear delusional over supposedly thinking the dream had anything to do with him per se. Outside half envying what he's gotten to do in running around Egypt in some series and throwing shuriken about in Conquest, we were talking about other sorts of potentially meaningful slaps from the world.

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